Water treatments systems

Every year millions of lives are needlessly lost through drinking of contaminated water.

The United Nations estimates that diarrhea alone annually claims lives of over 5 million small children, millions more from typhoid, cholera, dysentery, salmonella, legionnaires diseases, tuberculosis and poliomyelitis, all this spread because water is not treated.
We recently introduced two well proven systems to combat waterborne diseases – the Aquarius – a self contained water treatment system that produces between 150 gallons per hour of pure clean water for consumption and the filtrate system both for domestic and larger commercial systems to filtrate sediment and kill micro-organisms.
Contaminated water passes through the Aquarius system and then it is first sterilized by chlorine, destroying bacteria’s, then filtered to remove particles, solids and finally passes through unique activated carbon filter that removes colour, bad taste, oduor and excessive chlorine.

The result is water that is both safer and pleasant to drink.

This Aquarius range is able to provide sufficient pure clean water to a block of apartments.

It can also be used in varied outlets such as offices, hotels, hospitals, boats and railways for passenger drinking irrespective of the area of pick of source and even upto village level and military forces in the move always to be sure of the safety of their drinking water no matter where they are.

We are also specialist in supply of purifiers, dispensers, water treatment chemicals and water testing kits.

We undertake treatment of major water plants and small comprehensive outlets.