Electric Power Generators

We are specialists in electric power generators for supply of electrical power to varied water pumping stations in remote areas in the country, hotel and lodges, major buildings and apartments where they are used to produce electricity and as standby in case of electricity power outages.

We are experienced and have capacity in terms of technical experience and human resource to carry out supply, installations, overhauling, maintenance support services, repair works, and provision of all types of spare parts to meet our clients’ needs and requirements.

We are specialists in handling Rolls Royce, Cummins, Perkins, Lister, Caterpillar and Lombardi diesel power generators.

All these power generators are used in a multitudes of automation of hotels and lodges, marine industry, hospitals, camps, remote areas where national electricity grid is not available, non-governmental organizations and relief agencies, agricultural, manufacturing industry, naval and military installations.

We recently ventured in the energy industry where we have been working for Kenya Power & Lighting Company in the North Rift and Mount Kenya regions for power transmissions programmes and with Rural Electrification Authority where we have been handling upgrading and transmission power lines in Isiolo North and Uasin Gishu Counties.

We also provide excellent services in manufacturing and assembling of electric control panels for power generators, automatic changeovers, electric power factors, and associated electrical works to power generators and equipment.

We also undertake installations of monolift borehole water pumps in remote areas which are ran by single diesel engines or by power generators and also reciprocating windmill pumps.